Class: 7 Bigfoot Footprints

Class: 7 Bigfoot Footprints
  • Purchase your tickets online before the event in order to get your free course workbook!

There are indeed Seven Bigfoot Footprints on a Hot Marketing Trail.

How to Develop a Marketing Plan that Works

There is no well established standard for what a marketing plan should look like exactly, but if you will learn and implement the following seven things you'll be in pretty good shape.

A marketing plan is essential to any business,
regardless of their size, but it is commonly
neglected by the smaller business owner,
which is the target of my own business.

A good marketing plan requires: evaluating the company’s current marketing and market condition, clarifying the target market, conducting a market analysis, identifying the marketing goals, implementing the marketing strategies, establishing the marketing budget, and publishing the marketing rewards.

What's Covered in this Module?

  1. Evaluating Your Marketing Condition
  2. Clarifying Your Marketing Target
  3. Conducting Your Marketing Analysis
  4. Identifying Your Marketing Goals
  5. Implementing Your Marketing Strategies
  6. Establishing Your Marketing Budget
  7. Publishing Your Marketing Rewards

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